Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Hi everyone! I am writing here after I was doing some reading and studying about vaccines because I wanted to share the info. with you!!! please read, and let me know what you think!
In America, we have a lot of things wrong. Learning disabilities in children and adults are at an all time high right now. Every year more and more children are being diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism. What is the cause of this? According to many experts, including Robert F. Kennedy,Jr., a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and author of Deadly Immunity, our government is to blame. There’s growing evidence that shows that a drug called thimerosal is to blame.
This drug is found in vaccines. The fact is, the more vaccines kids get, the more autism, learning disabilities, and lifelong illnesses develop. The drug thimerosal is a preservative that was put in vaccines back in the 1930s. Immediately after the drug was put in, autism cases started to appear. It is important to note that autism had never been known before. There was no such thing. Autism was started and created by the use of the drug used in vaccines. In 1989 the Centers for Disease Control mandated that vaccines increase. Vaccines increased from 10 to 24. This means kids started receiving 24 vaccines.
Thimerosal is a deadly poison causing all types of brain dysfunction, moto-neurological dysfunction, learning disabilities, and causes dozens of other ailments to develop. No one in the FDA has bothered to do any specific analysis or long term study on the cumulative impact that all the vaccines are doing to our children or to us. The fact is, we are injecting our children with 400 times the amount of mercury than even the FDA or EPA considers safe.
A child on the first day he is born is injected with a hepatitis B shot. This is crazy. According to EPA guidelines, you would have to weigh 275 pounds to safely absorb the amount of poison in the hepatitis shot alone. Not to mention all the other shots babies and children receive.
All these vaccines leave children susceptible to bacterial infections. This is one of the major reasons almost all children develop ear infections. Then doctors load up the kids and babies on antibiotics, which is a whole other problem!
Before 1988, only 1 in 2,500 children had autism. Today it is an epidemic in America. 1 in 150 children are autistic. 1 in 6 have some type of learning disability, including neurological disorders, delayed speech, language disorders, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, decreased motor skill function and much more.
Pharmaceutical companies control a lot. They give doctors lots of perks and kickbacks to use the drugs they supply. Drugs cost a lot of money. And they make a lot of money. Did you know that there is a natural, God given cure for everything? (doctors are not trained to even know or tell us about these. Plus, there is definitely no major money to be made by the FDA if they told you a certain digestive enzyme and some raw apple cider vinegar would cure “acid reflux”. (which it will.) Again, there is a natural cure for all things. Even for cancer and AIDS. It seems unbelievable, I know. But it is only because we are a people trained to trust our lives into the hands of doctors and medical technologies that we rarely question or research on our own. And isn’t it funny to note that over the years, medicine has changed over and over again? Constantly finding out a way to do it “better”, or finding out that a certain drugs are in fact not safe for us!? The bible says in Hosea 4:6 : "My people perish for lack of knowledge" so, Research and Pray!
Why do we question scientists and understand that some have a lack of knowledge of spiritual things as they push evolution which we know to be wrong- but we never think to question and ask the Lord about conventional doctors and do the same? I hear a lot of people say, “God gave us doctors to heal us. That’s how God is doing healing.” But that is not entirely true. So often, it is the exact opposite. Doctors do have their place and many are good. But they are human just like everyone and are most definitely susceptible to corrupt practice.
Vaccines are absolutely dangerous and cause disease. Even the producers of them wouldn’t and do not give them to their own children and families. (that’s been well documented time and time again!) But they hide the real health hazard they pose to the American public. It’s sad really.
“The tobacco industry, the oil industry and the pharmaceutical industry all do the same thing. They create their own fake and fraudulent studies. They pay off government politicians to perpetuate lies. They use the news media to make us believe that these things are safe, when in fact they are not safe, and in fact causing many diseases. The science is clear.” – Scarborough.

Well, these are my thoughts today. I was studying earlier, and i wanted to write my thoughts down in letter form to help anyone willing to hear and do the research on their own. As I’ve said in the past, since we’ve been doing research on the topic for the past 2 years almost, we were prompted to do research and and to even fast and pray and as the Lord revealed the truth to us, a steady peace came with it and we are forever thankful to the Lord! So, it makes me happy to tell others because, our boys are so healthy now and they were not before. ( when we were giving them routine shots) and I see first hand just how simple and healthy and safe life can be when you are doing it right.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

hey shelly,
i have a question...what do you do when your child enters into school? aren't vaccines mandatory before kids can be enrolled in school. i guess i just wonder how you get around it since i know that not many people have bought into the theory that vaccines are bad.