Thursday, June 7, 2007


Become Anti-antibacterial
You've already heard about the dangers of antibacterial products-they cause the formation of super-bacteria, lead to allergies, and destroy fragile aquatic ecosystems. That's all bad enough, but a new study suggests these household items may go far beyond that, turning regular tap water into poison!
Researchers sought to determine how the antibacterial agent triclosan reacts with chemicals commonly used to treat water. The results show some pretty scary stuff. Triclosan, the most commonly used antibacterial in personal care products- (showing up in over half of all commercial soaps, as well as some toothpastes, deodorants, and shampoos)-forms chloroform when it combines with free chlorine and chloramines, the most commonly used disinfectants in drinking water.
Chloroform, in small doses, causes dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. In higher doses, it damages the liver and kidneys. also has been shown to cause miscarriage, birth defects and abnormal sperm.
It's dangerous and can form when you run water over your toothbrush with double-check the ingredients in your personal care items!
So, be careful!
-all info taken from alternative medicine mag.

1 comment:

TARRA said...

Yikes, Shells. Thats scary. I use that stuff semi-often. glad i've been cutting out on that lately. thanks for the info!