Wednesday, June 6, 2007

blessings come on down

  • The whole trip was great, We went to the beach and to Palm Beach Zoo, plus, the kids went to the park, got haircuts, we went out for icecream, had a wii party, made 2 yummy desserts, went out to dinner, played alot, colored, went swimming a few times and took lots of pictures! It was a blast.

  • It was so nice to have my fellow mommy and good friend down to hang out and be moms together. you know that crazy feeling you get when everyone in the house needs you at one time and you could just cry? yea, that didn't happen while we were together tag teaming the kids! they still out numbered us, but we held our own! miss u tara!

aww, how cute. this was the last night. they stayed up and read and talked for only 2 and 1/2 hrs before they passed out.

1 comment:

allhisblessings said...

we had such a great time, didn't we? Love you guys...