Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Look at the trailer on this's amazing!!! It brings tears to my eyes each time i see it. We are planning a home birth for our newest little one and seeing this trailer encouraged me that with the Lord's help, we can do all things! =) He made our bodies and He knows them. He made our babies....and He made our body to give birth to them. =) how wonderful!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

jacob's 3rd birthday!

Pirate Party and treasure hunt! Jorge, Bryant, and Kalley were the pirates in hiding that had gold and treats for the kids.

Jacob's real birthday day :sept 10th

We went to chuck e cheese the night before his b-day to play and celebrate jakie's last day being 2! and to cheesecake factory the next day to celebrate for lunch (on his real b-day) with a piece of cake and a song from the servers! Then a picture here of our tradition of a bagel with candles, balloons and a present for the real b-day morning!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Educate BEFORE


MSG, antifreeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, glycerin, lead, cadmium, sulfates,yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone, neomycin, streptomycin, mercury, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, duck egg, calf serum, aborted fetal tissue, pig blood, horse blood, sheep blood, rabbit brain, guinea pig, cow heart, etc.!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Hi everyone! I am writing here after I was doing some reading and studying about vaccines because I wanted to share the info. with you!!! please read, and let me know what you think!
In America, we have a lot of things wrong. Learning disabilities in children and adults are at an all time high right now. Every year more and more children are being diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism. What is the cause of this? According to many experts, including Robert F. Kennedy,Jr., a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and author of Deadly Immunity, our government is to blame. There’s growing evidence that shows that a drug called thimerosal is to blame.
This drug is found in vaccines. The fact is, the more vaccines kids get, the more autism, learning disabilities, and lifelong illnesses develop. The drug thimerosal is a preservative that was put in vaccines back in the 1930s. Immediately after the drug was put in, autism cases started to appear. It is important to note that autism had never been known before. There was no such thing. Autism was started and created by the use of the drug used in vaccines. In 1989 the Centers for Disease Control mandated that vaccines increase. Vaccines increased from 10 to 24. This means kids started receiving 24 vaccines.
Thimerosal is a deadly poison causing all types of brain dysfunction, moto-neurological dysfunction, learning disabilities, and causes dozens of other ailments to develop. No one in the FDA has bothered to do any specific analysis or long term study on the cumulative impact that all the vaccines are doing to our children or to us. The fact is, we are injecting our children with 400 times the amount of mercury than even the FDA or EPA considers safe.
A child on the first day he is born is injected with a hepatitis B shot. This is crazy. According to EPA guidelines, you would have to weigh 275 pounds to safely absorb the amount of poison in the hepatitis shot alone. Not to mention all the other shots babies and children receive.
All these vaccines leave children susceptible to bacterial infections. This is one of the major reasons almost all children develop ear infections. Then doctors load up the kids and babies on antibiotics, which is a whole other problem!
Before 1988, only 1 in 2,500 children had autism. Today it is an epidemic in America. 1 in 150 children are autistic. 1 in 6 have some type of learning disability, including neurological disorders, delayed speech, language disorders, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, decreased motor skill function and much more.
Pharmaceutical companies control a lot. They give doctors lots of perks and kickbacks to use the drugs they supply. Drugs cost a lot of money. And they make a lot of money. Did you know that there is a natural, God given cure for everything? (doctors are not trained to even know or tell us about these. Plus, there is definitely no major money to be made by the FDA if they told you a certain digestive enzyme and some raw apple cider vinegar would cure “acid reflux”. (which it will.) Again, there is a natural cure for all things. Even for cancer and AIDS. It seems unbelievable, I know. But it is only because we are a people trained to trust our lives into the hands of doctors and medical technologies that we rarely question or research on our own. And isn’t it funny to note that over the years, medicine has changed over and over again? Constantly finding out a way to do it “better”, or finding out that a certain drugs are in fact not safe for us!? The bible says in Hosea 4:6 : "My people perish for lack of knowledge" so, Research and Pray!
Why do we question scientists and understand that some have a lack of knowledge of spiritual things as they push evolution which we know to be wrong- but we never think to question and ask the Lord about conventional doctors and do the same? I hear a lot of people say, “God gave us doctors to heal us. That’s how God is doing healing.” But that is not entirely true. So often, it is the exact opposite. Doctors do have their place and many are good. But they are human just like everyone and are most definitely susceptible to corrupt practice.
Vaccines are absolutely dangerous and cause disease. Even the producers of them wouldn’t and do not give them to their own children and families. (that’s been well documented time and time again!) But they hide the real health hazard they pose to the American public. It’s sad really.
“The tobacco industry, the oil industry and the pharmaceutical industry all do the same thing. They create their own fake and fraudulent studies. They pay off government politicians to perpetuate lies. They use the news media to make us believe that these things are safe, when in fact they are not safe, and in fact causing many diseases. The science is clear.” – Scarborough.

Well, these are my thoughts today. I was studying earlier, and i wanted to write my thoughts down in letter form to help anyone willing to hear and do the research on their own. As I’ve said in the past, since we’ve been doing research on the topic for the past 2 years almost, we were prompted to do research and and to even fast and pray and as the Lord revealed the truth to us, a steady peace came with it and we are forever thankful to the Lord! So, it makes me happy to tell others because, our boys are so healthy now and they were not before. ( when we were giving them routine shots) and I see first hand just how simple and healthy and safe life can be when you are doing it right.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Become Anti-antibacterial
You've already heard about the dangers of antibacterial products-they cause the formation of super-bacteria, lead to allergies, and destroy fragile aquatic ecosystems. That's all bad enough, but a new study suggests these household items may go far beyond that, turning regular tap water into poison!
Researchers sought to determine how the antibacterial agent triclosan reacts with chemicals commonly used to treat water. The results show some pretty scary stuff. Triclosan, the most commonly used antibacterial in personal care products- (showing up in over half of all commercial soaps, as well as some toothpastes, deodorants, and shampoos)-forms chloroform when it combines with free chlorine and chloramines, the most commonly used disinfectants in drinking water.
Chloroform, in small doses, causes dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. In higher doses, it damages the liver and kidneys. also has been shown to cause miscarriage, birth defects and abnormal sperm.
It's dangerous and can form when you run water over your toothbrush with double-check the ingredients in your personal care items!
So, be careful!
-all info taken from alternative medicine mag.

A Happy Heart

  • A little devotion for you that helped me along my day today:

This is from Hold You, Mommy:

Have you ever watched "Madame Blueberry," a VeggieTales movie? We have watched it often here at our house.

This chubby little blueberry is blessed to have friends who bear with her, a great tree house and lots of fun stuff. But she can't see any of her blessings b/c she is blindly consumed by what she doesn't have. She is "blue" with envy!

When given a showy invite to the new "Stuff Mart," she accepts it and proceeds to buy one of everything. On the way, she meets a couple of remarkable children. One is happy just having her family there for her birthday, even though she isn't receiving any gifts. The other is sad for a moment when his dad tells him they can't afford the train set, but then he accepts it and moves on.

She is stunned by the gratefulness of these children and their ability to keep a smile on their faces even when they didn't get any stuff. You'll have to watch it to know the ending, but without ruining it for you, Madame Blueberry finally realizes that a thankful heart is a happy heart.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I can relate all too well to Madame Blueberry. You probably can too. It's easy to look at the home of a friend and decide you couldn't possibly invite her over to your house because it isn't as put together as hers. Or we can look at how others dress and decide we must go shopping....ASAP.

Maybe your friend's children are more polite than your kids. So, the next day, you make a whole new list of rules and spring them on your unknowing children. It could be that another husband treats his wife more lovingly or seemingly with more care and concern, and you let the thought run through your mind that you are married to a clod. =)

All of these thoughts are based on what someone else has that we wish we had. During those times of wanting, the cure is to remember that a thankful heart is a happy heart.

I sometimes think that thankfulness is reserved for thank you cards and thanksgiving day and special notes to show you care. But EVERY DAY is an occasion for gratefulness. A thankful heart can change your whole perspective. Philippians 4:6 says " do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks."

So in the good times and in the bad, thank Him. Along with your requests, worries, and fears, remember to count your blessings as well, because a thankful heart really is a happy heart!

Lord, you know our tendency to look at the lives of others and throw a pity party for ourselves because our lives don't appear to be a rosy as theirs. Forgive us Lord, for assuming that others don't have struggles. Help us to pray for others. Help us to see their hearts, instead of only seeing our wants. Remind us to be thankful for all you have done for us. You have blessed us in so many ways; help us to see them. Thank you for Jesus. It's because of Him that we even have the ability to bring our requests to you. Thanks Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

I am thankful for these guys!

pre-k is over

wow! I can't believe the school year is already over! here are a few pics of some fun times in pre-k. His teachers were mrs. ellis and mrs. cervone. they were wonderful and caleb loved them! They did an amazing job doing special crafts and cute parties for kids. There were also lots of special days, such as, wacky day, cultural day, dr suess day and 100th day.

They also made all the mommies and daddies feel special with a mother's day tea and flapjacks for dad days. so sweet. Caleb also made lots of good friends....among is fav are neiya, jordyn, taylor, elijiah, ryan, christian and justin.
Here is a poem i wrote for caleb's teachers at the end of the year:
We started out a year ago at CCA where I would grow.
And in pre-k, we had lots of fun;
Except when I had to play run-rabbit-run.
Oh, in our class we learned lots of stories and songs and did tons of crafts-
You all are behind so many of my laughs!
You taught us how to love and share.
And I am so thankful for all your care.
We also would learn bible verses, you said.
As God’s wisdom continued to fill up my head.
Now, I will try to keep in touch with every friend,
So that this wonderful year won’t end.
You said I was a great artist, it’s true
And with god’s gift to me, I’ll send some art to you.
This has been such a great year and you started me on a very special way
I’m so happy to have been a part of your pre-k!

Love, Caleb with a little help from his mommy.

Pre-k 2006-2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

blessings come on down

  • The whole trip was great, We went to the beach and to Palm Beach Zoo, plus, the kids went to the park, got haircuts, we went out for icecream, had a wii party, made 2 yummy desserts, went out to dinner, played alot, colored, went swimming a few times and took lots of pictures! It was a blast.

  • It was so nice to have my fellow mommy and good friend down to hang out and be moms together. you know that crazy feeling you get when everyone in the house needs you at one time and you could just cry? yea, that didn't happen while we were together tag teaming the kids! they still out numbered us, but we held our own! miss u tara!

aww, how cute. this was the last night. they stayed up and read and talked for only 2 and 1/2 hrs before they passed out.